
Your Cat and Plants

Your Cat and Plants

To prevent your cat from digging in the dirt around your houseplants, go to your local craft store and buy a few pieces of the plastic needlepoint mesh. Cut it to fit the pot, with a slit and an opening for the plant. Place it on top of the dirt. Or, dampen a cotton ball with oil of clove, then bury the cotton ball just below the surface.
To stop him from chewing on houseplants, you can buy Bitter Apple from your local pet store and spray it on the leaves. Here is a list of plants that are toxic to your cat.
To keep cats out of the garden, pour 2 quarts of water into a large watering can and add 5 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons dry mustard, 3 tablespoons cayenne pepper, and 2 tablespoons chili powder. Mix it and sprinkle it around flowers and bulbs.

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