
Good Dental Care for Cats [17-8-17]

Good Dental Care for Cats

Plaque and tartar build-up are common problems for cats just as they are for people. An easy way to manage these problems is to give your cat crunchy tartar-control cat snacks and dry food. These help scrape off the surface tartar. However, they won’t thoroughly clean all the areas of the cat’s mouth.

Good oral maintenance includes brushing your cat’s teeth a few times a week. This can be done by getting a finger toothbrush, a special cat toothbrush, or by using a small soft cloth over your finger while gently rubbing the cat’s teeth and gums. Special cat toothpaste is also made to help scrub away the plaque and tartar and cats like the flavor. Cats won’t be receptive to using human toothpaste because of the flavor and ingesting it could harm them.

If you lift your cat’s lips to inspect the gums and teeth, you may notice yellow or brown deposits on the teeth and around the gum line. This accumulation of plaque and tartar could be bad enough to warrant a professional cleaning from your vet. Older cats should get a thorough exam by the vet and will probably need a cleaning. During this cleaning, the vet or the vet assistant will anesthetize the cat and use a variety of tools to chip away the though plaque build-up.

Like humans, poor oral hygiene leads to many other major health conditions. It can result in not only tooth loss, pain, and gum infections but harmful bacteria can transfer to the kidneys and heart. It can result in kidney disease. Therefore, bad breath could also be a sign of possible impending kidney disease in your cat.

The earlier you can begin brushing your cat’s teeth, the easier it will be to maintain good dental health. Getting older cats used to the habit of brushing or even having their mouth inspected may take some time and lots of praise but it can turn out, in the long run, to be a pleasant experience for them. It is a good idea to make sure your vet checks your cat’s mouth (especially older cats) at each vet check up. He will look not only for chipped, cracked, loose or missing teeth but will inspect the gums to see if gingivitis has occurred or if there is recession. The vet will also inspect for tumors in the mouth. Spend the money for a dental cleaning if it is needed because it is one issue that will not subside with time but will, most assuredly, cause more infections, pain and other health problems for your cat.

Who would have ever known that taking care of your cat’s teeth could ward off future health problems? If your cat has severe bad breath that doesn ‘t go away it may be an indicator of other health problems, so take them to your vet for a check up. Taking proper cat dental steps will ensure the best quality of life for your cat.

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